Microsoft has increased both the power and complexity of its popular Windows operating system with the release of Windows Vista. Stardock’s TweakVista™ enhancement application helps you configure Windows Vista to meet your personal needs by improving performance.

Unlike other power tools for Windows, TweakVista automatically prompts enhancement recommendations, offering easy “one click” updates to otherwise complex configuration changes. TweakVista is also safe to use. By utilizing Microsoft’s system-restore technology any changes you make can easily be rolled back. You can freely experiment with different settings without disabling your computer.

Leverage the power and features of TweakVista™ today
for only $19.95
A component of Object Desktop ($49.95)
System Requirements
A revolutionary product for Windows Vista!

Stardock has released the TweakVista. TweakVista is a utility that enables users to optimize the performance and behavior of Microsoft® Windows Vista. The program has been designed to allow both casual, non-technical users to safely use it as well as contain a host of advanced features for power users to dig into the internals of Windows Vista. The feature-packed utility includes features such as:

  • Security Handling. Users can now easily and safely adjust the way Windows handles security prompting including the new UAC (User Account Control)
  • Memory Optimization. TweakVista knows which start-up services different types of users will typically use and offers recommendations on what services to disable. Users can easily switch between different profiles (including the default) based on their needs to maximize performance and memory use.
  • Resource Control. TweakVista has several features for keeping an eye on and flagging programs that use excessive amounts of resources (memory, CPU, or system handles) as well as integrating seamlessly with built in hardware diagnostic reports.
  •  Start-Up Management. TweakVista not only will display and enable users to control what programs are loading on start-up but will identify in plain English what these programs do. Internet integration in the software allows users to comment on these processes within the program to one another.
  • Performance Assessments. TweakVista uses the new Windows Vista assessment features to benchmark nearly every aspect of a user’s PC and allow them to submit their results for comparison with other users of similar or upgraded hardware.  Reports indicate where the user's PC ranks amongst other submissions.
  • integration. TweakVista partners the software development skills of Stardock with the on-going tweak expertise of to provide an on-going live database of helpful tips and tricks for maximizing the Windows Vista experience.
  • Cost of Use and Carbon Footprint Analysis. TweakVista calculates the cost of running your PC. In addition a Carbon Footprint index is calculated. How "Green" is your PC?
  • Snapshots (new in v1.1). Not to be confused with Microsoft's System Restore Points (also unofficially called snapshots) this new feature of TweakVista allows users to determine "what changed" from a software perspective on their PC. This new feature will help users pinpoint applications that are running since the last snapshot. Typically, users install favorite applications on their computers right after purchase. Applications that load as hidden components of installations or software the user is just test driving are often the source of issues. The snapshot feature helps with these "unknown" applications to pinpoint misbehaving applications; all applications installed later will be highlighted for the user in the TweakVista interface. The key difference between a system restore point and TweakVista armed with snapshots is that users can "undo" changes in a more granular way. With system restore points moving between each restore point is an all-or-nothing proposition. With TweakVista users can control the configuration of their computer on a much more granular level undoing and redoing settings quickly and easily.
  • Services View (new in v1.1). This new feature allows users to view services and start/stop/disable directly from within TweakVista. Services also are now also support by the Get Info button to learn more about a particular service before making changes to your system.
  • Host Process for Windows View (new in v1.1). TweakVista will now display what services are running inside of the mysterious "Host Processes for Windows" processes that show up in Task Manager. This will help users determine what services are taking up memory, what those services are and combined with the new Services Tab allow them to disable unnecessary services on the computer.
  • Locked File Information (new in v1.1). TweakVista can now tell you what process has a file locked. A locked file is a computer file that cannot be altered. Normal users of such files cannot alter the information they contain, change their location, or alter their names. Often this is caused by a program opening a file as an exclusive read. This means that the file cannot be deleted or edited. TweakVista can tell you what program has the file locked. By stopping the process that has the file locked, users can regain access to these locked files.